Life Together

We realize that our lives are enriched as we draw near to God together. So, please post your comments, prayers, reflections and thoughts after the readings. Use this for your devotions, pray for the author or send to a friend who is disheartened. We'll use the golden rule to edit/remove all posts and comments but please feel free to engage in the Journey On Conversation.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Feb. 27 - Walking Through Mud

(submitted by Chris Heckaman)
If you do what the LORD wants, he will make certain each step you take is sure.
The LORD will hold your hand, and if you stumble, you still won't fall.
Psalm 37:23-24, CEV

Well, we're back. From a blizzard to 90 degree heat all within 24
hours, priceless! Haiti still calls me. I see so much of God there.
Our work in partnership with Living Hope Missions continues. The church and community development in the village of Pistere continues to grow stronger. The school we sponsor and feeding program is thriving. All the loans we funded that were paid out to help local businesses were paid back to be lent out again. The journey continues.

We helped build a kitchen for the school this year. Got a good start
one day. Had to come back after a night filled with rain the next.
Couldn't make it back in our vehicles though, too muddy. We had to hoof it on foot. Parking the trucks by the side of the main road, we got out with boots and slickers, to make the muddiest trek of our lives.

Trudging through inches of mud for 1.75 miles is an experience. Can't keep good footing. Your center of gravity is always sliding. You use muscles you never knew you had in ways you never knew you could. We
carried our packs and equipment ourselves. They were heavy burdens.
But upon final arrival, we had our most productive day of ministry and
by no coincidence the most rewarding. Teamwork was running high.
Children's smiles were extra wide.

Getting back to the compound at night, it was interesting. One by one as we shared in our evening devotions, we were asked, "When did you feel closest to God?" Hands down, "When I was walking through the mud," people replied.

Journey on Sidney First...even in the mud. It is worth it! So what if you get a little dirty. We're human. We will. We'll fall down sometimes too. We did. Muddy, sweaty, hard, slippery, it is the journey. And yet, it is where God will meet you the very most.

What is the mud you are having to deal with right now? Will you trust God enough to see Him in it even more? In the mud that you can't wait to get out of and wash off, you'll find more of Him.

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