Life Together

We realize that our lives are enriched as we draw near to God together. So, please post your comments, prayers, reflections and thoughts after the readings. Use this for your devotions, pray for the author or send to a friend who is disheartened. We'll use the golden rule to edit/remove all posts and comments but please feel free to engage in the Journey On Conversation.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Another Day...Did you Know

Did You Know...

...that your teenager is capable of using a jack-hammer to dig a trench? I saw 2 do it today.

...that your teenager can hang solar panels to give power to an 8-acre orphange? I saw one do it today.

...that your teenager can help 10 mexican kids smile by making beaded necklaces? I saw 15 do it today.

...that your teenager can build a wall that would keep the security of kids who have been broken secure? I saw 6 do it today.

...that your teenager cheerleader knows how to correctly pour the footings for a basketball court? I saw 2 of them do it today.

...that the whiny, hyper teenager in your house just volunteered to wash dishes for the entire orphanage instead of playing basketball? I just witnessed Jesus!

God has been huge here. We worked hard at the Rosarito campus, building a wall, pouring a floor, cleaning rooms, installing solar panels, doing dishes and more. We even spent some time as a group praying for the permit to come for the orphanage to be able to dig a well. God is huge and tonight we are just hanging with our new friends, sharing a bowl or two of ice cream before we head out to another busy day tomorrow. We love you and could use your prayers!



Traci said...

Hi Everyone,

God is definitely working miracles in Mexico! Dan- you are an inspiration to all you come in contact with. You are BLESSED! All my prayers are with you all. It sounds like you are making things happen that will change lives for all involved. You are ALL an inspiration to me. I thak God and thank all of you!


Anonymous said...

Jesus encompasses you all. How evident his presence becomes when we allow ourselves to be small and he to be big in us through service to others.

What a blessing our teens are as they seek Jesus.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing how God is working through all of you. The team is in my thoughts and prayers. Keep up the good work and enjoy your time in Mexico.

God Bless,
