Life Together

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

March 27 - New Plans

(submitted by Sheryl Ditmer)

James 4:13-17

A few years ago, my husband and I began trying to have our third child. We had given it much thought and decided it was time. With the other children, we had gotten pregnant the first month we tried. So imagine our surprise and frustration when 1 ½ years had past and we still were not pregnant. Time was slipping away. The other boys were getting older. I was getting older! The big 4 0 was fast approaching. And yes, my husband was getting older and he didn’t want to be the age of a grandpa when his last child graduated from high school.

It was difficult going through each month watching the calendar and looking for signs that I might be pregnant this time. I’m sure some of you have been there. It’s hard, isn’t it? Finally, my doctor had a suggestion that would actually give us some control - something that would allow us a much better chance of getting pregnant: fertility drugs. I remember the day well. The nurse called mid-morning to report that I could start the medication, but because of my cycle I would need to start it the next day. The next day! I was excited. Finally, the end was near. No more waiting and fretting. No more emotional rollercoaster. Then, some how, I thought to ask her, “What is the down side of the medication?” She responded, “Well, you could end up with more than one fertilized egg.” I could have more than one (two – five…) baby? At that point, it dawned on me that I needed to pray about this. I told the nurse I would need to get back with her.

I went right to the place where I have my quiet time. I prayed fervently for an answer and even told God I needed to know “today.” You know how sometimes you have to wait and wait and wait for an answer. Well, I told Him up-front this needed an urgent response. Then I opened the devotional I’d been reading. The devotion that day was all about not pushing God into following our time table, not trying to “rush” Him. That He has a plan and is working all things out for His good. Honestly, it wasn’t the answer I was hoping for. Nonetheless, the answer was obvious and I couldn’t ignore it. I couldn’t deliberately step out of His will. I called the nurse back and told her I wasn’t interested. I cried, not knowing how long (if ever) it would take to get pregnant again. I put the whole matter into His hands that day. I’m not sure why, if God was blessing me for being obedient or if He knew I couldn’t take it much longer, but we got pregnant that very month.

Whatever plans you are making for your journey, dear one, ask God what He has planned for you. His way is much better! He wants nothing more than to bless you and be a part of your life.

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