Life Together

We realize that our lives are enriched as we draw near to God together. So, please post your comments, prayers, reflections and thoughts after the readings. Use this for your devotions, pray for the author or send to a friend who is disheartened. We'll use the golden rule to edit/remove all posts and comments but please feel free to engage in the Journey On Conversation.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

March 3 - The Blessing in Touch

(submitted by Eileen Hix)

Scripture: Mark 10:16 And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.

This scripture follows the “let the little children come to me” passage which has always been an important scripture to me. It is the way God made me; I feel the need to point the way for children to come to HIM. To show children of God’s great love for them - what an amazing gift to be able to share His love! In Mark 10:16 it specifically says Jesus took them in his arms and He blessed them. I think that speaks to the importance of touch and how much people need to feel touched. There is a whole communication that takes place when we shake hands, hug, touch an arm; each of these shows a different level of love and care.

When I was blessed to go to Haiti, I know the difference in the communication I got to have when I touched people. When you rub a child’s back and they wiggle when you stop so that you will rub their back more, that shows how much they were needing the love and affection they were getting. I have been overwhelmed by the way most of the world lives. I knew how people lived but there is a huge difference in knowing and feeling how they live - knowing that you cannot make a big difference but feeling that you have to make a difference. There is always a difference when you TOUCH someone else’s life. You do not have to go to Haiti to touch the lives of those around you. Just reach out your hand…and bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Touch is a significant part of Jesus' ministry to adults also. Jesus has blessed you, Eileen, with a healing touch that ministers Jesus to others.
