Life Together

We realize that our lives are enriched as we draw near to God together. So, please post your comments, prayers, reflections and thoughts after the readings. Use this for your devotions, pray for the author or send to a friend who is disheartened. We'll use the golden rule to edit/remove all posts and comments but please feel free to engage in the Journey On Conversation.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

March 7 - Maintaining Momentum

(submitted by Chris & Lisa Heckaman)

“Make ready the way of the Lord.” Matthew 3:3

Right from the very beginning, the life of faith was meant to be lived as journey.

Abraham got the call to embark on a monumental trek, “to a place he did not know.” Faith may still feel like uncertain and uncharted charted territory to you. It may loom large, very, very large on your horizon. For him, faith was simply learning to live into a growing relationship with God. Getting on the journey was showing faith. It’s not something we have. It’s something we walk, daily step by daily step.

The Israelites, who called it "wandering," were in essence on a journey. Only until they reached Mt. Nebo, a high place, did it all come into focus and they were able to see the sacred plan.

The disciples were called to "come and follow," i.e. to journey. Following means to keep in step, right behind, as someone takes the lead out in front on ahead.

The early church, called by Peter in one of his epistles as “sojourners,” were forced into exile due to the persecution of the Romans. Always on the run, many thought it was so unfair. God was using their movement to spread the word. They were still on the journey.

Jesus is the journey. In John 14:6, when He says that He is “the way,” it is the Greek word for road. Jesus was the movement that changed the world, meant to be lived and experienced in the context of purposeful motion.

How can you and I, therefore, keep forward progress going? Put another way, how can you and I maintain momentum in our walk with God?

When we stop and pull to the side of the road our faith stops. It becomes mere wandering instead of sacred plan, exiling instead of sojourning, dying instead of rising.

Have you ever been on an Emmaus Walk Retreat? Did you know we hold them here at our church every few months? Are you a part of a Journey Life Group? Have you taken the Journey Study? Gone to Mexico on a Missions Trip?

What is the next step for you in your daily set of steps?


Anonymous said...

"How can you and I, therefore, keep forward progress going? Put another way, how can you and I maintain momentum in our walk with God?" What a great challenge and reminder to us all -- thanks!

Hachiko Monogatari said...

Many Christians know that following God means taking the journey of faith one step at a time.

However, it's often easier said than done because it goes contrary to the human nature, which demands to know the complete picture before embarking on the journey that's full of uncertainties.

Maybe that's the reason why the Lord requires those who want to follow Him to lay down their lives and worldly ambitions before they can actually do it. Else it'll simply only be a waste of time, both for Him and for us.

Anonymous said...

"The disciples were called to "come and follow," i.e. to journey. Following means to keep in step, right behind, as someone takes the lead out in front on ahead."

In this 'following place' Jesus releases HIS dreams through us.
